interdisciplinarity, learning, assessmentAbstract
This article is about the foundations of interdisciplinary and its global development. Starting by the standing point that this process can study the influence in a determinant way, not only the school learning, but also the science conventional frontiers, its institutional changes were followed that, not only limiting to the special and time frontiers of the subjects, develop new knowledge. It aimed to study the nowadays practice of school evaluation, searching the deficiencies that prevent it of being more honest and coherent. The theoretical rules founded in Foucault (1961, 1963 and 1966), Fazenda (2011) and Luckesi (1935)
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Publicação Oficial do GEPI- Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Interdisciplinaridade –
Educação/ Currículo – Linha de Pesquisa: Interdisciplinaridade: PUC/SP.
R. Interdisciplinaridade, São Paulo, Volume 1, número 0, p.01-83. Out, 2010.
Distribuição eletrônica: pelo site: http://www4.pucsp.br/gepi/
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