


School Physical Education, High School, Pedagogy of Projects, Pedagogical Practice


In the Pedagogical Practice, as a Physical Education teacher in High School, in the city of São Leopoldo /RS, one evidence that students, in a general way, seem not to have interest or see any meaning in this subject and in the contents traditionally studied. By comprehending the Pedagogy of Projects as a methodological alternative, in which one could affirm in overcoming of the fragmented teaching and learning process, disciplined and de-contextualized, one elaborated a teaching project aiming to study the German societies and their cultural activities, searching like this to develop the Physical Education contents in another way. One designed then, as objective of this research to tell and reflect how such subject can be worked from this Pedagogical proposal. Inspiring himself in the methodological approach activity-research (TRIPP, 2005) one describe the process and the reflections coming from the application of the project in a group of High School female students in Colégio PVSINOS, São Paulo. To end this research it is possible to say that, in the extent accomplished, the project counted on the active participation of the students in the discussions and proposals in the come off of it, generating motivation to knowledge of the new that being, one can conclude that Pedagogy of Projects in Physical Education can be a methodological alternative to deal with these overcoming and problems in the school daily routine.


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How to Cite

CAPITANIO, E. . PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN HIGH SCHOOL: NOTES AND PERSPECTIVES IN PEDAGOGY OF PROJECTS. Revista Matter, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 01, p. 14–26, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.