Racism Structural, Anti-racist Education, Ubuntu Legend.Abstract
This article deals with the construction of an anti-racist education and healthy ethnic racial relations in the educational environment, based on Storytelling, with the objective of spreading African culture and respect for differences. The methodology used was the literature review. The theoretical reference was raised from the platforms “Google Acadêmico”, “SciElo”, and the portal “Nova Escola”. The material found deals with racism, observing denouncing notes of its ability to penetrate various institutions and situations of societal life, due to its structural character. Such penetration capacity includes, therefore, the school environment which, due to the symbolic disputes held in it, becomes a problem, by reproducing racism in ethnic-racial school relations, producing a discriminatory environment which affects the black population, harming their health and self-image, their performance and their permanence in the educational environment. In this way, we also sought to collect a theoretical framework that would bring the documentation of experiences and the adoption of pedagogical practices that sought to embrace multiculturalism, and were successful in combating the penetration of structural racism in the school environment. Thus, from the analysis of the material collected, and in order to find possible ways to reach the aforementioned model of education, the result was the proposition, even if in an essayistic way, of the application of a dynamic referring to the “Ubuntu Legend” which brings characteristic lessons of a philosophy with roots legitimately coming from the African imagination, and which preach respect for diversity and group feeling.
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