
  • HÉLIO RODRIGUES JÚNIOR UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente
  • LUCIMAR SANTANA DE OLIVEIRA UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente
  • THAINÁ SANTOS DE SOUZA UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente
  • THAMIRES SANTOS DE SOUZA UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente


Reading habits, Production of short stories, Technology, Elementary School, Remote Teaching


Reading adds a lot to the child's development, exercising their imaginative capacity, expanding their mind, expanding their vocabulary, making them have a faster logical reasoning and helping to learn new skills. The intention with this work is to make elementary school children create the habit of reading, because, with the advancement of new technologies and their facilities in having everything at hand quickly, this habit becomes increasingly rare among children. young. With this, the school and teachers need to worry about how to awaken in their students the practice of reading, using pedagogical tools such as the internet, this time as an ally, where many are connected daily. The project addresses this issue, of putting technology, reading and writing together, as a support tool, the social network Facebook will be used, which will address a differentiated form of reading, text interpretation and writing, in which all together produce a story. Understanding how the reading of books has taken a back seat today was essential for the development of our project, as covering reading, and technology, makes us better understand, our target audience, how to work the subject effectively. Because in addition to the student's taste for reading, he also has a taste for writing, thus working on an entire creation project. Today it is visible that students with reading habits produce more and see life in a more cultured way, with a baggage, already filled, different from students who do not have this habit. 


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES JÚNIOR, H. .; REIS, D. O. D. .; OLIVEIRA, L. S. D. .; SOUZA, T. S. D. .; SOUZA, T. S. D. . READING AND WRITTEN PRODUCTION OF STORIES IN THE 5TH YEAR OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: A TEACHING EXPERIENCE WITH FACEBOOK. Revista Matter, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 02, p. 48–66, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.