environment, sustainability, politics, economics, religionAbstract
This work analyzes the movements called “sustainability” and “ecology”, making references to the “war of classes”, where this last item plays the proletariat’s role. The former items talk about the holders of economic power. For this, we use: a) economics, when are described the characteristics of technique (or technology) and its three phases; b) philosophy and theology to describe the man’s characteristics of inteligence and his relationship with religion; c) authors who write about sustainability and ecologism in a way that it’s possible to describe, using their texts, the substitution of rationality and objectivism for subjectivism and sentiment. The change from science to a religion where the adored god is the “Mother Earth”. In the end, it is cited the “Letter of Earth”, explaining some of its main characteristics that confirm the focus of this work, that the movements cited above could be called in a new “Green Religion”.
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