
  • ALEXANDRE MACHADO UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente


Marketing, Consumer, Technology


What changes in the market with technological developments? How we perceive and adapt to this evolution? Technology that integrates and transforms the everyday consumer no doubt, the question is how these consumers behave, act and react in relation to this inevitable technology insertion? The new and especially the older generations (baby boomer), has seen these constant, rapid and overwhelming technological change. It is rational and understandable that the younger generation has it easier than the older in adapting to new technologies, but it is amazing the effort of the oldest in keeping themselves updated and not excluded from the capitalist and consumerist society of today. Knowledge and understanding of this reality technology have made the market and companies are more attentive, responsive and collaborative with the consumer technocentric. Marketers, product managers, designers and organizations as a whole have paid sufficient attention to the human being in the process of technological transformation and inclusion? Culture of the era of convergence of access, the market and consumer waging a relentless battle to adapt with technology and this “war” there are no winners or losers, there is a tendency of behavior change, the emergence of the groundswell. The network society is positively influencing consumer culture and social phenomena have been transformed by social networks. How to adapt to this phenomenon? Time is the determining factor for this.


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How to Cite

MACHADO, A. . INSIGHT TECHNOLOGY FOR MARKETING AND CONSUMER: WHAT REALLY UNDERSTAND?. Revista Matter, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 01, p. 69–88, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.