


Conjecture, Proof, Computer, Mathematics Education


Nowadays, the creation of conjectures and formal proofs by students in mathematics classroomshas been neglected, despite the recommendations of the National Curriculum and the recent research results in mathematics education that attest to the importance of such practices at school. In trying to change this situation, this article discusses ways to bring back such practices to the school environment considering the digital technologies as tools with potential for transformation. In this context, two possibilities of computer usehave been presented: one from the Geometric field and another from the Numeric-Algebraic field. As a conclusion, it is possible to see that technological environments that have dynamically connected representations, calculation and measure tools can make students to undertake systematic tests and notice invariance, which may foster the formulation of conjectures. In addition, these environments maycontribute to the students’ abstraction of fundamental properties that are important to write formal justifications.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, C. C. S. D. . THE ROLE OF COMPUTER IN THE PROCESS OF CREATING CONJECTURES AND FORMAL JUSTIFICATIONS IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. Revista Matter, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 01, p. 46–68, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.