
  • DORIVAL PAULA TRINDADE UNIBR - Faculdade de São Vicente


Financial Management, Decisions, Indicators, Accounting


This article aims to analyze how the accounting and financial management can contribute to corporate strategic planning, generating enough information to make decisions that will lead to improved performance of the organization and, consequently, reflect on their own income and profits. The study questions the traditional accounting and assumes that firms produce enough evidence, well organized, can produce information in formats for use performance indicators in real time. Of all the methods available and used in large companies found that using the Balanced Scorecard in its many variations, and allow the use of technology not only be a management tool as well as being a strategic competitive advantage. The result of comparative analysis of its key tools and formats of data records show that this methodology can also be used since the micro and small businesses to large companies. The other issue is raised when data alone provide sufficient information for making decisions, but are not always treated and are available to decision makers in a company. Through literature are analyzed all the mechanisms of financial management and accounting that enable interfere in the organization, planning, management and control companies, being appointed at the end of the article, the best method.


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How to Cite

TRINDADE, D. P. .; SOUZA, R. R. P. D. . THE USE OF FINANCIAL INDICATORS AS A SOURCE OF DECISION-MAKING. Revista Matter, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 02, p. 04–21, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.